16july2006...okie so it was our 17th anniv..n tats probably means we've been together for 1year5months(: hahasx..we've been thru 17mths of bittersweet - reminisce . . tats nt very long but not short either ya..hahaha.. i really luv my boi & tts for real... =) hes really sweet & i hope we cud stae happily ever after... so we met abt 7 am on a sunday morning. we went for our 3rd feast ad mac.. haha i duno why but i jux luv mac's h0tcakes & bigbreakfast(; but boyfren will usually complain aft it claiming his stomach's aching again-.-'' i reallly don't know why.lol.

so this was him(:
i didn't have da pic of da stuff tt was given by mi 2 dear here..its in his hp..hee.. hope he lyke it anyway.(; muacks. jieyong hao ke ai ryte??
Haha..came across these pictures & it really remind mi of my bf.. and his sweetness...;p

he made this himself during our first Valentines' day 2006. hw sweet ya? its super tasty.
and this when we went for some shopping sprees..

Ya..so tis was al.bb tkcare & love my boie.
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